Friday, July 31, 2009

Absent of the 'Net can be a slight absence of Mind !

Hello Dear Readers !!! I am so sorry for my blogging absence ! I have had internet problems abounding . Yesterday it took 6 hours but the problems were solved.
I have so much to write about but very little time today. I do promise to regale you all very soon with my wry and very sarcastic wit !

Saturday, April 25, 2009

" Feels So Right "

Well dear Readers here I am well into the full swing of another breathtakingly beautiful Georgia weekend .
The Sun has blazed above all day . The last few soft breezes of Springtime has blown the remnants of Spring through the land. The coming Summer that has been relentlessly stalking my beautiful Spring has finally won. Spring is almost gone and Summer is just about upon us .
Spring fought the good fight but alas Summer has won out . It will be a sad goodbye to Spring but Summer holds the promise of more life , beauty , and of course love .

As I sit here watching the painted butterflys float idly by I feel so alive . While although we feel that first inkling of new life in the Spring , it is in the transition between Spring and Summer when we feel most alive . Maybe it's the promise of things to come . Maybe it's the sheer impact of the new signs of life , the smells of love just temptingly out of reach . Ah the coming of Summer!
This is the time to feel .

The Sun doesn't just warm our bodies though . It warms our hearts and souls. Some deep instinct inside us that has been dormant and sleeping awakens and revives . You know this instinct . I'm willing to bet you've already felt it , are feeling it now , or will feel it soon .
This instinct tells us that this is time for lovers .

It's time for new loves that are just blossoming and are on the threshhold of some great romance.
The time when plans for futures are made and dreams are made into reality . The time of year when young loves are still so insecure that any word , however small , could mean life or death to a new romance . A love so new that it awaits on bated breath for the times when lovers can be together . Ah new loves !

This is also time for old loves to renew . When you look at your love and feel your heart pounding like it did the day you first met . Holding your love like you'll never let go . You feel the passion when your love holds you and feel the burning as his eyes meet yours . Ah old loves !

So as the day fades into the evening , and the last rays of the Sun warmly kiss my face , I say to you dear Reader , stop for a moment . Take in the beauty that surrounds you . Take the time to take a deep breath of this wonderful new world that's beginning around you . Go to your love , take them into your arms , and hold them like you'll never let go .

It will Feel So Right .

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Happy Medium

I had an ephiphany today dear Readers . It came to me like a streak of lightening shooting straight out of the sky . It's amazing how things can hit you so hard that it actually causes your eyes to widen and say "Dam ! I Didn't ever think of that !"
Well my bolt of lightening wasn't that dramatic ( I do tend to be on the short end of the dramatic stick sometimes though , so just bare with me ) , but it was a shocker none the less .

It started simple enough . Di and I was watching the new episode of Scrubs that I dvr'd
( Ok I absolutely love Dr. Cox and Elliot's ex Sean ! Ahhh the Smart A$$ attitude of Dr. Cox !! Ohhh I'd love to argue with him ! It would be Paradise abounding ! His banter is ceaseless ! I could write pages on that man . And as far Sean.....well dear Reader there's no need to say what I see in him , if you have ever seen him on Scrubs I bet dollars to doughnuts you already know !

Well as the show moved forward I started talking to Di and was saying how handsome and well built Sean is . Ok I'm just blowing smoke here . I said he was "Fine as Hell" . Yes I said it . Yummmmmy ! Ahhh anyway , when I finished describing the ornamental details of his picture perfect frame , I ended saying " I don't like skinny men or body builder types , I like a good ole fashioned teddy bear of a guy or I like a guy with Happy Medium type frame " .

Happy Medium . I am a Happy Medium type gal . That's when it hit me . The thought immediately came into my mind . I don't just like that type guy . I am that type of girl .
I'm not skinny like a model . I am not voluptous like the women of men's hypersexed dreams
( or womens , hey what's fair for the goose is fair for the gander ! ) .
Nor have I joined the ranks of the obese ( nothing against obese people or obesity in general , although when I've been on steroids I could give anyone that's obese a run for their money ! ) .
I've simply a "Happy Medium" type build .
Why does every single catagory of the other body types get so much attention ? Why do we Happy Medium people always get excluded ?!? Let's see , we have the Miss USA , Mr. Universe , and The Biggest Loser shows ( just to name a few of the hundreds of shows ect. ) that are flown through the airwaves and shoved down our throats night and day . They even have shows for the aesthetically challenged ! They propagate and expound on these body types until we are brainwashed thinking everyone either falls into one of their preset catagories or if they don't then they should . Meanwhile we never even resisted this .
What about the rest of us ? Those wonderful average Joe and Joette people ? Where in the hell do we fit in ? I mean I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but realistically speaking the are at least 4 times as many of us than they are of them ! Why is there no shows on the market for us ? Where are the Happy Medium type people to fit in at ?

I say No More ! It's time for us to have our voice ! We can start our own group , The Happy Medium Group ! Nah . Who would want to look at a bunch of normal people . Oh no . they've did it . I have succumbed .
Oh hell I'm already brainwashed !

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Truely Madly about a Blast from the Past !

Dear readers this past weekend has been a spectacularly FanFrikinTastic (and yes I made that word up all by myself. Patent pending if you are reading Miss Hilton lol!).
Seriously Saturday was beautiful beyond compare . It was Sunny with the softest breeze floating and Sunday was rainy , foggy and chilly . Both have such a sharp contrast but each beautiful none the less .
But I digress.....

Ever had time just rewind for you ? A time in your life when you seem to float backwards in time .... sometimes you may feel that way for a minute, an hour, a day, or in my case an entire weekend.

This past weekend was very nostalgic for me . I've heard from old friends that I haven't heard from in years . I broke out my Ipod with my 80's soft rock and time was in rewind . With each soothing, rocking, or tear-jerking melody I've remembered exactly why I liked each song, where I first heard it, who the song was "for" at the time, even the situations that made the songs come into play . Ah such bliss ! For even though all the memories are not good, they are memories .
Which means I am still here to remember them....

So I went about my weekend in a nastalgic phase . Memories that are so sharp it is almost as if I were there again . Excruciating Pleasure you might say ....

Those memories of that sweet first remember those...the kiss you had imagined and thought about every single second since you first laid eyes on the person that you wanted it from....the anticipation building so that when you do meet your lips to your love for the first time, it feels as if electricity has passed through your veins to the very innermost chamber of your heart...Yes you never forget that first kiss .
The memories of a passion so strong your breath could barely escape your lips....and just the mere thought of that someone ( or maybe several someones, depending on how many times you've found true love) makes your arms ache to hold them....
The memories of your first true love and consequently your first broken heart...
Memories of parties that you thought would never end , dates you wish had ended early, and friendships that have faded like the pages of a book and yet other friendships that have became unbreakable, strong and everlasting.......

Ah the good ole days ... things will never be the same ....
But as my weekend came to a close, I know things can never be as they once were. Those were different times...different lifetimes...and if I could go back to any one of those times I choose.......I wouldn't go back .
For dear reader I love my life today . Each single memory has led me down a road to where I am today . They have brought me through pain and sorrow. They have brought me through such happiness I thought my heart would burst from trying to contain it . Those memories have made the road I'm on.....and I wouldn't change a thing.
So to close this I'm listening to "Truely, Madly, Deeply" once again and wishing you all the Happiest of memories and the best life has to offer !

An Introduction into the Non PC Princess's World

Hello dear readers ! If you've made it here you are either -

a.) A friend of mine coming by to check out what mischief I've gotten into now

b.) Clicked upon my Blog link by mistake.

c.) Stumbled upon my Blog by sleepily surfing the 'net

d.) Saw my Blog title and thought " Hey now THAT sounds like an interesting Blog !

Now any of those reasons above would be a just fine and dandy reason to partake of my wisdom
( or lack thereof ! ) and peruse my ranting , raving , and oft times non pc thoughts .

This will be a real person's blog . My thoughts . My ideas . My mistakes . My triumphs . Yes dear reader , the good , the bad, and the ugly .

My Blog will differ from most other Blogs . I will dole out whatever happens to be spinning in my mind at the time . I am a straight shooter and absolutely , positively , will end up offending someone . That's just LIFE . Get used to it . There's not a person on this planet that will make everyone happy or agree with everyone all of the time . It is NOT possible . I don't have the slightest inclination to even attempt it . Now reader don't get me wrong , I do not purposefully offend anyone . I will not agree just to agree . I do love peace and for people to all be "happy little campers" , but hey if I have a different opinion it will be stated . Trust me . It will .

I'll tell you my thoughts , ideas , and feelings . If I try something and choose to review it , you'll get my unvarnished raw opinion . If it's great , I'll praise it to the high heavens . If it sucks , well I'll say it sucks.
I won't give praise where it isn't earned . If you are here thinking my blog will be that way , well my friend you are wasting your time . Yes that was a bit blunt , wasn't it ? Well that's how I roll .
Ok I've already started ranting so I better get on with business !

Well if you've made it this far you're my kind of person ! I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it .

Welcome to my world . The No Holds Barred Non PC Princess's World !