Friday, April 24, 2009

A Happy Medium

I had an ephiphany today dear Readers . It came to me like a streak of lightening shooting straight out of the sky . It's amazing how things can hit you so hard that it actually causes your eyes to widen and say "Dam ! I Didn't ever think of that !"
Well my bolt of lightening wasn't that dramatic ( I do tend to be on the short end of the dramatic stick sometimes though , so just bare with me ) , but it was a shocker none the less .

It started simple enough . Di and I was watching the new episode of Scrubs that I dvr'd
( Ok I absolutely love Dr. Cox and Elliot's ex Sean ! Ahhh the Smart A$$ attitude of Dr. Cox !! Ohhh I'd love to argue with him ! It would be Paradise abounding ! His banter is ceaseless ! I could write pages on that man . And as far Sean.....well dear Reader there's no need to say what I see in him , if you have ever seen him on Scrubs I bet dollars to doughnuts you already know !

Well as the show moved forward I started talking to Di and was saying how handsome and well built Sean is . Ok I'm just blowing smoke here . I said he was "Fine as Hell" . Yes I said it . Yummmmmy ! Ahhh anyway , when I finished describing the ornamental details of his picture perfect frame , I ended saying " I don't like skinny men or body builder types , I like a good ole fashioned teddy bear of a guy or I like a guy with Happy Medium type frame " .

Happy Medium . I am a Happy Medium type gal . That's when it hit me . The thought immediately came into my mind . I don't just like that type guy . I am that type of girl .
I'm not skinny like a model . I am not voluptous like the women of men's hypersexed dreams
( or womens , hey what's fair for the goose is fair for the gander ! ) .
Nor have I joined the ranks of the obese ( nothing against obese people or obesity in general , although when I've been on steroids I could give anyone that's obese a run for their money ! ) .
I've simply a "Happy Medium" type build .
Why does every single catagory of the other body types get so much attention ? Why do we Happy Medium people always get excluded ?!? Let's see , we have the Miss USA , Mr. Universe , and The Biggest Loser shows ( just to name a few of the hundreds of shows ect. ) that are flown through the airwaves and shoved down our throats night and day . They even have shows for the aesthetically challenged ! They propagate and expound on these body types until we are brainwashed thinking everyone either falls into one of their preset catagories or if they don't then they should . Meanwhile we never even resisted this .
What about the rest of us ? Those wonderful average Joe and Joette people ? Where in the hell do we fit in ? I mean I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but realistically speaking the are at least 4 times as many of us than they are of them ! Why is there no shows on the market for us ? Where are the Happy Medium type people to fit in at ?

I say No More ! It's time for us to have our voice ! We can start our own group , The Happy Medium Group ! Nah . Who would want to look at a bunch of normal people . Oh no . they've did it . I have succumbed .
Oh hell I'm already brainwashed !

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